01209 214596 Redruth, Cornwall
01884 32281 Cullompton, Devon

Distributors of Roofing Sheets, Agricultural Roofing & Building products throughout the UK

01884 32281 Cullompton, Devon

Contact Us

We stock a wide range of materials on the premises, enabling you to see the products before you buy. We are located in Cornwall and Devon.

If you are looking for friendly, honest advice and guidance for your individual requirements, please get in touch with us:


Redruth, Cornwall:

Tel: 01209 214596

Mobile: 07771 925371

Email : ksmallandson@outlook.com

Click here for map 

K Small and Son,
Clear View,
Lanner Hill,
TR16 5SZ


Coming from Redruth, at the top of Lanner Hill, turn right for Tram Cross lane.

Follow the road approx. 75 yards, until you come to a yellow B&B on the right, at which point turn left into Clear View.


Cullompton, Devon:

Tel: 01884 32281

Mobile: 07771 925371

Email : cullompton@ksmallandson.com

Click here for map 

K Small and Son,
The Barn,
Five Bridges,
EX15 1QP